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DongAh's impressive global works for humankind
Based on global competitiveness, we will leap to a leader of the global construction market.
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Pride of Korean construction technology

Dong Ah Construction, which runs everywhere in the world where construction technology is needed
including the world's largest civil engineering work, the Libyan Waterway –
we bring together all the capabilities of civil engineering, plant, and construction to reach a bigger future.

Bakun Tunnel
Bakun Tunnel
PhaseⅠ,Ⅱ construction of the Libya Great Manmade River Project
PhaseⅠ,Ⅱ construction of the Libya Great Manmade River Project
Braida Housing Project
Braida Housing Project
Al Juwah Descent Tihama Descent Road Section
Al Juwah Descent Tihama Descent Road Section
Telephone Expansion Project (T.E.P)
Telephone Expansion Project (T.E.P)
Mafraq wastewater treatment
Mafraq wastewater treatment
Quadima Harbor
Quadima Harbor

20th century myth created by human sweat

We achieved the successful results in overseas business by our high technology and strong dedication such as Libyan Waterway
(GMR : Great Man-Made River Project) construction which is the world's largest scale as single construction, T.E.P(Telephone
Expansion Project) construction in Saudi Arabia called the world's largest telecommunications construction, Braida housing
complex construction which is the overseas first turnkey base construction etc. The success of the Baghdun Tunnel in Malaysia,
Kajdima Harbor Construction in Saudi Arabia, Alzuwa Mountain Road Construction, and Mafraq Sewage Treatment Construction
are also demonstrating the international status and challenge spirit of Dong Ah Construction.

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Bakun Tunnel

Bakun Tunnel

Malaysia + view more

PhaseⅠ,Ⅱ construction of the Libya Great Manmade River Project

PhaseⅠ,Ⅱ construction of the Libya Great Manma...

Libya + view more

Braida Housing Project

Braida Housing Project

Saudi + view more

Al Juwah Descent Tihama Descent Road Section

Al Juwah Descent Tihama Descent Road Section

Saudi + view more

Telephone Expansion Project (T.E.P)

Telephone Expansion Project (T.E.P)

Saudi + view more

Mafraq wastewater treatment

Mafraq wastewater treatment

Dubai,U.A.E + view more

Quadima Harbor

Quadima Harbor

Saudi + view more

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