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We carry out our responsibility as an eco-friendly company
by minimizing adverse environmental impacts
with an efficient environmental management system.
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Environmental Management

We protect our environment
We think about the future of the earth environment and humanity.

Environmental policy

As a leader of the construction industry, Dong Ah Construction intends to contribute to enriching human life
by recognizing global environmental issues, taking the lead in preserving nature and providing environmentally
friendly products, activities, and services.

We manage our business activities and construction work based on our responsibility to the environment, and not only comply
with legal regulations on air pollution, noise pollution, construction waste, etc., bute implement them as low as possible.

We establish and operate procedures in advance to monitor, comply with, and evaluate activities that have a significant impact
on the environment and establish plans to prevent accidental environmental accidents.

All employees are informed and trained on the impact of our activities, products and services on the environment.

We obtain information related to environmental issues from customers, contractors, government agencies, residents
near construction sites, etc.

In order to achieve environmental policy, we have introduced an environmental management system
in accordance with ISO 14001: 2004, so that all employees fulfill theivr environmental responsibilities and
strive for continuous environmental improvement.

Environmental Management System

Environmental Management certificate

Management system

ISO 14001 International
Organization for
Standardization 14001