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We aim to achieve zero accident by carrying out
an autonomous risk assessment
to prevent industrial accidents in advance.
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Safety Management

We support the safety first
Human respect and safety and health are top priorities.

Safety policy

In planning and promoting all businesses,
Dong Ah Construction practices safety and health with respect for human as its top priority.

We build a safety and health management system to create an accident-free workplace and continuously promote self-safety and
health activities involving managers and employees.

We conduct sufficient safety prevention activities and education in advance to prevent industrial accidents, and implement systematic safety management to establish and implement safety plans and improvement measures by identifying and evaluating potential risks according to work plan for each business area.

We fulfill the requirements of workers and supervisors in project implementation and make planned facility management and
risk prediction activities a reality to create a safe and pleasant working environment.

In order to prevent industrial accidents and create a pleasant working environment, all employees including subcontractors do their
best to achieving safety goals in accordance with the Safety and Health Management Policy, and all members practice the corporate
philosophy of health and safety management respecting human.

Safety and Health Management System

Building a consistent safety management system

(Plan Do Check Action)

Safety and health certificate

Safety and Health
Management System

ISO 45001 International
Organization for
Standardization 45001